So happy to see you any Kit enjoying your trip to Japan so much. The place you went is so attractive! I believe it is as cold as where I live! S [版主回覆02/04/2009 09:45:00]Yes, Hokkaido is really a good place for honeymoon/ travelling... If the exchange rate for Yen is not so high (expensive), it must be a perfect trip!
我都有去過"銀之鐘"飲咖啡呀, 買左隻hello kitty杯呀, 同妳果隻一樣的!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/04/2009 09:43:00]Really???
So happy to see you any Kit enjoying your trip to Japan so much. The place you went is so attractive! I believe it is as cold as where I live! S
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/04/2009 09:45:00]Yes, Hokkaido is really a good place for honeymoon/ travelling... If the exchange rate for Yen is not so high (expensive), it must be a perfect trip!
真係可以走埋個杯 ? (聽就聽得多) 紫色 Hello Kitty 呀 , 正喎 . 小樽運河果度得 2.1 度氣溫 , 又唔係太凍喎 , 都未零下 .
回覆刪除Bye Bye !
[版主回覆02/04/2009 09:48:00]係呀, 真架... 四百幾Yen一杯任飲咖啡連杯, 真係好OK呀!!!
無錯, 唔係好凍... 只係一入夜/ 落雪就會寒少少囉...
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/05/2009 10:31:00]有呀... 買左個好搞笑既壽司音樂盒呀!!!