2007年4月16日 星期一

通通通 (宵)???

好慘... 依家已經係深夜"一時十三分", 但我仍然係公司... (time updated)

家陣好頭痛, 有D唔舒服! 死啦, 唔知OT到幾點呀~~


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好crazy, 今朝9點做到5點; 再坐車由數碼港去金鐘開會from6點到8點; 跟住再飛的返公司做到依家呀....天呀!!! 咩工黎架!!!

我再咁捱落去, 我會"爆"架!!!.........................  

4 則留言:

  1. By the way I like the pictures you have shown above. COOL!~~

  2. wow.... you better to go home earlier today. Otherwise, your skin will be very dry la!! take care ah!

  3. thank you "Joricke" and u know, i worked OT until 4:30am late at night...really crazy to me! Then, woke up at 8:30am and went back to office and worked worked worked again for submitting the proposal to the government as the deadline was by noon!  luckily, i could leave the office at 1pm and went home to have a "long sleep" hahaaaaa.... anyways, thank you for your care!!

  4. 嘩~~~好辛苦呀(你份工)!做到咁夜簡值係非人生活,不過你係咪好ENJOY呢份工帶俾你既滿足感?如果呢份工俾到你好大既成功感而你又好享受呢份感覺既話,辛苦都算係值得既.....不過辛苦過後就要放番自己假盡情休息同放鬆自己,記住女人唔可以咁辛苦架,會好易捱殘架~~KAKAKA
